What makes your candles vegan and clean burning?

IDesign Candles takes pride in being a brand committed to creating candles that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally conscious and health-friendly. Here's what makes IDesign Candles stand out as vegan and clean-burning:

  1. Vegan Ingredients: IDesign Candles exclusively uses vegan ingredients in the production of its candles. This means that no animal-derived materials or by-products, such as beeswax or animal fats, are used. The wax base is sourced from soy, a plant-based and renewable resource, making the candles cruelty-free and suitable for vegans.

  2. Wooden Wicks: The use of wooden wicks sets IDesign Candles apart. Wooden wicks not only add a touch of rustic elegance but also contribute to a cleaner burn. Unlike traditional cotton wicks, wooden wicks produce a soothing crackling sound, reminiscent of a fireplace. Additionally, they tend to create a more even and controlled burn, minimizing soot and ensuring a longer-lasting, enjoyable candle experience.

  3. Non-Toxic and Phthalate-Free: IDesign Candles prioritizes the health and well-being of its customers by crafting candles that are non-toxic and phthalate-free. Phthalates are chemicals often used in fragrance oils that have been linked to potential health concerns. By excluding these substances from their products, IDesign Candles ensures a safer and healthier environment for users.

  4. Not Tested on Animals: As part of its commitment to ethical practices, IDesign Candles does not conduct any animal testing. This means that the candles are cruelty-free, and the brand actively promotes the well-being of animals by ensuring that its products are developed without subjecting any living beings to harm or discomfort.

Are your candles safe to burn in my house hold with pets/children?

IDesign Vegan Candles prioritize safety for households with pets and children through their use of a soy wax base, known for clean burning and minimal soot. The candles are crafted with a non-toxic formulation and phthalate-free fragrances, ensuring they do not emit harmful chemicals, promoting indoor air quality. With wooden wicks and a commitment to ethical practices, including no animal testing, IDesign Vegan Candles offer a safe and environmentally conscious choice for families, combining sustainability with a focus on health and well-being.